How To Write Blog Posts Faster

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As a blogger or entrepreneur, there never seems to be enough time when you have a million and one things on your to-do list.

Add on top of all that the need to publish good quality blog posts to market your products and get traffic.  This can be seriously overwhelming if you don’t have the right processes to help you write efficiently.

Luckily, writing good quality blog posts quickly isn’t very hard and is actually easier than you think.  You just need a plan and a little bit of practice!

Here are 7 awesome tips on how to write blog posts faster so you can get more stuff done in less time.

But before I move on, if you haven’t started a blog yet, follow my easy step-by-step guide on how to start your own blog here for just $2.95/month!

Writing good quality blog posts quickly is actually easier than you think.  You just need a plan and a little bit of practice to get great at it. Here are 6 awesome tips on how to write blog posts faster so you can get more stuff done in less time. | entrepreneur | blogger tips | plan a blog post | write a blog post in 20 minutes | batching | productivity | get organized | content calendar | grammarly | blog tips | writing tips | content creator

1. Always Have Blog Post Ideas Available

Have you ever sat down at your computer to write a blog post but totally blanked on what exactly to even write about?

Having no direction of the topics you want to write about will slow down the process real fast when you’re pumped and ready to write.

So the first step to supercharging your blog post writing process is to have enough ideas to start writing your blog posts in the first place.

Jot Down Ideas Throughout The Day

To do this, I recommend getting a notebook that is just for your blog posts and jotting down any ideas that you get throughout the day whether it’s some idea that randomly came to your head or a great idea you saw on Pinterest.

As the days go on, you’ll have accumulated enough ideas so you won’t freeze when it’s time to write.

Start A Content Calendar

Once you have enough blog topics, separate these ideas into a content calendar so you’ll know exactly which blog post you’ll be writing on which day. 

This is a great way to feel less overwhelmed and more organized.

flowers with a computer

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2. Write An Outline

The easiest way to finish a post quickly is to plan out your blog post in advance by writing an outline.

Without an outline, you can sound all over the place and not be very direct in conveying your message.

Know your main points that you want to touch upon by listing it out at the beginning.  You’ll find you will be more focused on each point and the words will flow out of you a lot easier.

3. Batch Your Tasks

One of the most important things that I’ve found helped me to decrease the time to write blog posts is to batch all of my tasks.

This is such a great way to improve your productivity and stay focused.

The advantage of doing things over and over again with repetition is that you get really good at something as well as become more efficient.  As time goes on, you find ways to improve your processes and get more stuff done in less time.

I love batching my writing, brainstorming of blog posts, making Pinterest pins using Canva templates, researching keywords to improve my SEO, finding stock photos for my blog posts, and so on.

Try this and you’ll see that it helps cut down the time it takes you to do all of your tasks in half!

4. Use Grammarly


Grammarly is my favorite tool to ensure I minimize my punctuation and grammar mistakes and has saved me so much time when I’m editing my posts.

All you need to do is download the extension, and then it learns your personal writing style and vocabulary preferences.

It automatically alerts you of any grammatical errors, spelling errors, and synonym suggestions so you can focus on creating good quality content instead of spending your time worrying about grammar and spelling mistakes.

Another great thing about it is that you can also turn it on and off at any time if you don’t want any disruptions when you write.  It also works wherever you type on the web so it’s not just limited to using it in your blog posts.

Try Grammarly today – it’s totally free to sign up!


5. Write Your Introduction Last

I don’t know how many times I’ve been stuck right before I even started typing a blog post because I didn’t know what to write in the introduction.

I would spend such a long time trying to come up with something, only to come up with nothing and then felt horrible because I wasted so much time.  Now I know better if I’m stuck!

If this frequently happens to you too, you’ll want to skip this step and leave it to the end after you’re done writing the meat of the post so you don’t waste valuable time.

Writing good quality blog posts quickly is actually easier than you think.  You just need a plan and a little bit of practice to get great at it. Here are 6 awesome tips on how to write blog posts faster so you can get more stuff done in less time. | entrepreneur | blogger tips | plan a blog post | write a blog post in 20 minutes | batching | productivity | get organized | content calendar | grammarly | blog tips | writing tips | content creator

 6. Get Rid Of Distractions

If you want to write a blog post as fast as possible, you need to avoid distractions in every way possible.

Family Members

If you work at home and have kids or other family members around who want to talk to you every few minutes, tell them politely that it’s important you can concentrate and shut yourself off in a room so there are no distractions.


Do have often have the TV running in the background while you work or keep your phone next to you?

If you’re looking to concentrate, turn off the electronics completely, silence them, or just stay in a room electronics-free.

You don’t want email or social media notifications to go off when you’re in the middle of writing a blog post because you’ll be really tempted to check them.


We all need to be connected to the Internet to get a blog post up but it can be a real time suck if you’re looking at time-wasting sites.

Get a Chrome browser extension like StayFocusd to temporarily block yourself from using sites that you know will distract you like Facebook.

7. Don’t Strive For Perfection

Lastly, don’t try to strive for perfection when you’re writing a blog post.  

Back in the day, I’d be totally guilty of this because I’d spend hours trying to perfect a blog post and then re-read the whole post over and over again to make sure I didn’t miss anything.

I thought that it had to be absolutely perfect or else I couldn’t post it.

When you strive for perfection, this just leads to procrastination instead and it can be very hard to get anything done this way.

At the end of the day, a blog post doesn’t need to be perfect.

Yes, you always want to be publishing your best work, which includes writing the best quality possible post with very little spelling and grammatical errors.  However, don’t fret.  There will always be a chance for you to come back to the post in the future to edit or add on to it when needed!

More Blogging Tips For Beginners

Writing good quality blog posts quickly is actually easier than you think.  You just need a plan and a little bit of practice to get great at it. Here are 6 awesome tips on how to write blog posts faster so you can get more stuff done in less time. | entrepreneur | blogger tips | plan a blog post | write a blog post in 20 minutes | batching | productivity | get organized | content calendar | grammarly | blog tips | writing tips | content creator

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  1. Great tips! I always struggle to write the first couple of lines, those attention grabbing ones! I’ll start leaving those last now. Thank you for sharing!

  2. This post is a breath of fresh air! It’s like a friendly reminder that perfection isn’t the goal—getting your thoughts out there is. So liberating! Thanks for breaking down the barriers of perfectionism in blogging.

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