8 Self-Care Tips For Entrepreneurs & Bloggers

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Whether you’re an entrepreneur, full-time blogger, or a freelancer, putting in the hard work and long hours is necessary in order to achieve success in your business.

If you aren’t careful or mindful enough though, working long hours day after day can be very hard on your mental, physical, and emotional health if you neglect to prioritize self-care.

Here are 8 self-care tips for entrepreneurs and bloggers that are perfect if you’re constantly at work.

Whether you're an entrepreneur, blogger, or a freelancer, working long hours can be very hard on your mental, physical, & emotional health if you neglect to prioritize self-care. Here are 8 self-care tips for entrepreneurs & bloggers that are perfect if you're constantly at work and want to avoid burnout. | girl boss | work from home | mental health | healthy habits | wellness tips | how to practice self-care | personal development | productivity | growth | positive mindset | self-care habits
Whether you're an entrepreneur, blogger, or a freelancer, working long hours can be very hard on your mental, physical, & emotional health if you neglect to prioritize self-care. Here are 8 self-care tips for entrepreneurs & bloggers that are perfect if you're constantly at work and want to avoid burnout. | girl boss | work from home | mental health | healthy habits | wellness tips | how to practice self-care | personal development | productivity | growth | positive mindset | self-care habits
Whether you're an entrepreneur, blogger, or a freelancer, working long hours can be very hard on your mental, physical, & emotional health if you neglect to prioritize self-care. Here are 8 self-care tips for entrepreneurs & bloggers that are perfect if you're constantly at work and want to avoid burnout. | girl boss | work from home | mental health | healthy habits | wellness tips | how to practice self-care | personal development | productivity | growth | positive mindset | self-care habits

Whether you're an entrepreneur, blogger, or a freelancer, working long hours can be very hard on your mental, physical, & emotional health if you neglect to prioritize self-care. Here are 8 self-care tips for entrepreneurs & bloggers that are perfect if you're constantly at work and want to avoid burnout. | girl boss | work from home | mental health | healthy habits | wellness tips | how to practice self-care | personal development | productivity | growth | positive mindset | self-care habits

1. Have a set schedule for work & time for play

Working all the time without time off increases the risk of burnout if you’re working long hours and aren’t doing anything else but grinding.

Do you tend to wake up, go straight to work, work late into the night, and then just repeat the cycle 6 or 7 days a week?

If this sounds like you, you might need to take a step back even if you think that it’s intuitive to keep working until you get what you need to get done.

clock and keyboard

Working non-stop can in theory be great if you’re constantly productive and getting work done.

But in reality, it doesn’t work like that.  We aren’t machines that are made to output results all day, every day without taking a break.

Your brain can only work at its maximum capacity for a set amount of time before your productivity level goes down, you aren’t accomplishing your best quality work anymore, and you need a break.

This is why in the long run, it’s so important to to find balance in your day.

That means time managing your schedule by setting blocks of time for work and time for play in order to keep yourself sane and recharge yourself during your time off.

For example, if you know you have a huge project to work on, have a set amount of time that you are going to work on it and stick to it.

Once the time is up, it’s time to relax or move on to something else on your to-do list.

This will encourage you to work your hardest to do the best work as fast as possible in the allotted time and then reward yourself with a much needed break.

2. Take a technology break when you’re relaxing

candle for relaxation

Do you ever find that you’re not totally present when it’s your time off and you’re relaxing?

Maybe you worry that you missed something that day or you didn’t do a task that could cost you a client  so you tell yourself you have to go check your phone, email, or social media.

This means you’re not really fully taking the time to relax because you’re not separating work time and play time.

To change this, make it a habit of not looking at your phone or computer when you’re relaxing.

Unless you’re always on call or you have an urgent task that you have to do right then and there because it’ll cost you your business, you need to separate yourself from work.

This is your time to recharge and that can’t happen if you’re constantly in and out of work mode in your head.

As a blogger, I try to separate myself from work when I’m hanging out with friends and loved ones.

That means I’ll either turn my phone to silent or do not disturb mode if I know that I’ll be getting emails.  I also try to put my phone in another room so that I can forget about it momentarily.

This is not only a great way to stop yourself from letting work creep into your personal time but also it will help strengthen your relationships because you’ll be totally present and in the moment.

3. Keep up with personal relationships

It’s easy for entrepreneurs to constantly be working and this means putting family and friends outside of work in the back burner.

A lot of times, you probably feel that there isn’t even enough time for yourself, let alone others, if you’re always working.

Not prioritizing your personal relationships is not exactly the best idea even if you feel that all you need to do is pour all of your energy into your work in order to get your business off the ground.

In order to have balance in your life and be mentally well though, you need to meet and see people outside of work.

Whether that’s friends that aren’t in your field, spending more time with family who love you, or meeting other people in your field in business conferences, find a way to connect with others.

This is especially true if you’re a solopreneur because it can be very isolating if you’re constantly by yourself and don’t have much external interaction.

You might be surprised by how interacting with them can help recharge you in ways that relaxing by yourself can’t.

4. Take care of your physical health

blueberries on a piece of bread and dumbbells

Working all the time can mean many sleepless nights and a lot of sitting down if you work at a desk or computer all the time.

What this means is that you’re probably neglecting your health if you don’t set the time aside to exercise or eat well.


Make it a habit of scheduling time to work out in your busy day, whether it’s just 30 minutes a day after or before work or a walk around the block at lunch.

It’s important to put your health first because there won’t be any business to run or sustain if you don’t have the required physical health in the first place.

Plus, getting feel good hormones throughout your body can have a great positive impact on your mental health.

Sit Less

adjustable standing desk

Another way to take care of your health if you’re constantly sitting is to get a convertible standing desk and periodically stand instead of sit every few hours.

Eat Well

Feed your body with nutrients that it needs to function properly if you want to take care of yourself the right way.

You might not have a lot of time to spend on cooking or making healthy foods but you have to make this a priority.

Even if you need to spend more money on healthy food that is prepared outside, do it because your health is so important.

5. Take periodic breaks

It’s important to periodically take some time and step away from work, whether it’s 5 minutes every hour or two, just to re-group yourself and give yourself a mental break.

For example, it can be as simple as making yourself a hot cup of coffee or taking a nice stroll around your office, home (if you work at home), or around the block outside.

Taking breaks is great not just mentally but for your body as well.

If you’re staring at a computer or sitting at a desk all day, your posture and eye sight will suffer so be proactive and do body and eye stretches during your breaks.

6. Don’t Neglect Your Sleep

woman sleeping in bed

Sleep is one of the easiest things to sacrifice when you’re working overtime.

However, in order for the body, especially your brain, to function properly, produce quality work, and be able to withstand long hours of work, you need quality sleep every night to keep you fuelled and sharp.

Without it, it can make thinking extremely hard and lead to bad decisions not in favor of your business.

Find your optimal amount of hours you need to sleep every night, prioritize and stick to it every night, and you’ll reap the rewards in both your work life and personal life.

7. Keep Up With Hobbies

There is more to life than just work even if succeeding at your business is extremely important for you.

Having hobbies outside of work that you really enjoy and look forward to every time you do them can enrich your life in so many ways.

You can become more well-rounded this way because you will be able to learn new skills that you otherwise wouldn’t learn if you were just working all the time.

It’s a great way to meet others and expand your social network as well as keep your social skills sharp, which is a win-win situation for you and your business.

8. Find a self-care routine that works for you

relaxing in pajamas on the bed

My last tip to you is to find a self-care routine that really works for you and that you enjoy and look forward to doing every time you have time off.

This is extremely personalized so think of what really helps you relax and gets you into positive mindset to have a productive and happy day.

This can be cooking a delicious meal, writing in a gratitude journal before bed, reading personal development books, meditating right in the morning when you wake up, filling out adult coloring books, or taking a bubble bath.

Do things that give you joy and allows your mind and body to relax.

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